Pregnancy Update (week 27)

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Lauren pointing taking a selfie

Hello third trimester. It’s good to see you again! Things are….growing and I’m not that mad about it! So grateful for a smooth pregnancy thus far and can’t believe that I’m starting my third trimester already! Before we all know it, this little boy will be here, snuggled in my arms. (Please please please let him be a sleepy baby!)

How have you been feeling?

Pretty great! Once my stomach muscles and body in general gave out trying to hold everything in, my quirky random round ligament pains and such went away! I have a few crampy moments here and there when I’ve gotten up after laying down or resting and gravity just brings the baby down, but besides that there is nothing much to report. Feeling big, but healthy and generally great. I told Gordon that this might be my best pregnancy yet! Mainly because I’ve had literally one afternoon of nausea this entire pregnancy.

Weight gain?

I’m already past 30 pounds with about 12 1/2 weeks to go. Oops? I’m not too worried about it because I’ve done this before and know what to expect from my body. Things get big and spread, but then I have the baby and they shrink right back again. Each time after baby has been a little more challenging because of my age and I’m expecting to have to work hard, but I know it’ll all be fine in the end.

How are you sleeping?

Depends on the day. Sometimes I have pregnancy insomnia and can’t fall asleep until 2am. Other times I just fall into bed and sleep so hard, it’s glorious. Most of the time, I wake up 2-3 times a night because I have to heave myself from side to side. Generally, sleeping on my left side is most comfortable but will always have to switch to my right at some point during the night. I wish I could sleep FOREVER because growing a human is exhausting, but I’m counting my blessings because I recognize how blessed I am to be able to carry a baby and feel this decent this far in.


The last few weeks have been so busy with school coming to a close that I haven’t had the time to zip over to the gym. Some weeks I make it 4-5 times to the gym and other weeks, I’m only able to walk my 3 mile loop at Central Park one or twice and call it good. I’ve started diligently wearing my apple watch to just track my activity so I’m more aware of it, but generally the city keeps me on my feel quite a bit.


The constant tomato cravings have definitely calmed down and now I don’t really crave anything. Super boring, but nothing really to report.

Can you feel the baby move?

Yes! He is moving more and more and I like it! He is most active at night, but I feel him here and there all day. He was breech in my belly for a while but I think he may have switched back to head down again because I’m feeling more kicks and jabs in my lungs these days.

Other Random thoughts

On Monday, I have another ultrasound to check up on the baby and a doctors appointment on Wednesday. I’m so excited to see our little dude on the screen again! And I’m curious to see if his cheeks look a little more plump. He is over two pounds now 😉

Gordon and I are still working out a name. We have our list down to probably 4 or 5 names, but can’t really pull the trigger because there isn’t anything we love. At least we have 12 more weeks to decide!

My first three babies came on their due dates and I’m super curious if this one will be the same as his siblings. What are the odds that that will actually happen FOUR times in a row? Like I didn’t think it could even happen twice, but here we are and its happened three kids in. I’m actually wondering if the baby will come a bit early just based on all the walking we do. I would go for walks to get contractions to start to see if they would progress into anything more and sure enough they did with each baby without fail. So, that’s fun and exciting.

I’m hoping to get the nursery all finished sometime in July, with a quick clothing (and back to school) run to Target in August. I keep making to do lists because there really is so much to do, but by September, I trust everything will get done, be in its place and we’ll be ready for our children to start school and for this little boy to get here.

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14 Responses
  1. Gina B.

    You look amazing. So happy your pregnancy is going well. Keep up the good work. Can’t wait to hear about the new baby and his name.

  2. Kathy Noel

    Thanks for the update … your sweet baby boy will receive so much love from all of you … oh the miracle of life. Always great to hear this kind of news.

  3. Rose Cutler

    Hi Lauren, thanks for the update because there are three pregnancies I’ve been praying for and yours is one.God bless you all.

  4. Patty Rentschler

    It’s so great you are doing well with this pregnancy. I will be anxious to hear the baby’s name, when you decide

  5. Pamela Byington

    Am so happy everything is going well for you. So exciting to bring another sweet Spirit into the world. I bet the siblings are excited also. Congratulations to you all.

  6. Lynne Maddux

    Keeping up with you, young lady! You have such a great attitude! Know that everything will be fine. Let us hear about your ultrasound. So excited for you! Take care. All is well and HOT here in Georgia!

  7. Alexis DeHaas

    So happy ALL is going smoothly!! I remember it was NOT fun, but SO WORTH it!! Hang in there pretty lady you’re over the hump now!! XO

  8. This Week at the Brennans' | Lauren's Latest

    […] Little boy is growing and healthy and for that I am grateful. See the more thorough baby post here I just […]

  9. Michelle

    I’m so happy for you and your family! You look wonderful & I’m so glad you’re having a smooth pregnancy. My youngest sister had her first baby 9 weeks ago & I’m loving having a baby niece that lives close to us!
