This Week at the Brennans’

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Eddie in front of pizza on the table

Another week gone by!

Here’s what happened this past week:

Gordon was out of town for work for the majority of the week, so it was a lot of solo parenting and me trying to not go crazy. Ha!

Like clockwork, the day after Gordon left, Blake got sick and had to stay home from school on the day I had my personal trainer and other errands scheduled. Something ALWAYS happens when Gordon has work obligations. (Do any of my long time readers remember when he was gone for 4 months and everyone got the stomach flu?)  I, of course, canceled everything and stayed home with him and Eddie. It was a low grade fever and cough, but by mid-morning he was feeling like his normal self thanks to a little medicine so back to school he went the next day.

Brooke had a friends’ birthday party on Friday night so I ended up getting a sitter since Gordon wasn’t home, ran Brooke over to her party and headed over to sweetgreen to try their new Spring Burrata Salad which was AMAZING. I usually strongly dislike ranch dressing and am in the process of trying to crack the balsamic dressing code from sweetgreen (a different story for another time) and on a pregnancy craving whim, I decided to just try their green goddess ranch dressing. HOLY MAMA was it good. Not sure if it was just all that burrata talking, but man was that a good salad. I usually just get the Harvest Bowl (without goat cheese) but wanted to try this new spring salad and am so glad I did!!

After that salad enlightenment, I worked away on my laptop for a couple hours until it was time to pick Brooke up. So glad she has a fun group of girlfriends that all love her for her.

And speaking of Brooke, this week after I picked her up from running club, she said it was getting so much easier and was actually enjoyable! If you’ll recall, she was nervous to start this program because she had never done it before and didn’t really know what to expect. Fear stops her from trying things a lot, as it does for most people. But her coach is amazing and she made a friend from 5th grade who does running club too. My mama heart was so grateful!! So glad she’s seeing the positives.

Blake continues to LOVE his cooking class like nothing else and wants to make “fruit salad with lemon juice so it doesn’t go brown” on repeat. I’ve started getting both Brooke and Blake to help me in the kitchen a little more since they both are showing the interest and I have these kiddie knives which make things a little easier for kids. Blake still uses those, as does Eddie if I’m close enough to help him and Brooke uses the actual sharp knives. Progress!

I’ve been dreaming of the day I could order a bounce house for my kids and the day finally came! I have a lot of friends in the city that have this specific bounce house that blows up and gets taken down in seconds that is such a life saver on rainy or cold days. My boys are going to be in HEAVEN when it arrives. It’ll get tons of their energy out and I plan on using it for Blake’s birthday party next month! (Also, have I mentioned I’m SO excited that I can actually host birthday parties for my kids now? It’s SO much money to rent event space here and you literally have to book 4-6 months in advance, depending on the place. So, I’m excited to just do a semi-suburban party for my kids now.)

On Thursday, I took Eddie to midtown east for a little Chick-Fil-A since there is no Cafe Rio anywhere nearby. Totally random restaurants and they’re not connected or affiliated in any way, but both Chick-Fil-A and Cafe Rio make me think of our time in Boise and sometimes I just need a taste of familiarity in this sea of noise and people. We are getting our New York groove down, don’t get me wrong. We have been blessed immensely and know we are supposed to be here for a time. But we definitely look forward to the day we can head back west. ANYWAYS, Eddie went through two packs of the Chick-Fil-A sauce with his little kids meal and I got a salad and fries. Balance.

On Saturday, Brooke let me practice a few different braids on her hair since it’s starting to finally get a little length. Man oh man do I wish the braids I do on myself looked half as good as the ones I can do on her! My hands don’t work very well at the back of my head where I can’t see anything. Any self-braiding pros out there?

Brooke with a braid in her hair


Blake playing on a playground
I was walking by the kids’ school one morning and Blake happened to be outside playing at recess. So I called him over and was able to give him a hug through the bars. I was like “it looks like you’re in jail!” and he got a good laugh out of that.
Lauren pushing the stroller Full of kids
walking to church in the rain. Blake somehow managed to get that coveted front seat. I keep telling both boys that they’re going to have to walk once the baby comes but they seem to just ignore me. Ha!
Here’s what is coming up this next week:

Gordon and I have tickets to see Jerry Seinfeld! I gave these to Gordon as a Christmas gift, so I’m so glad this day has come!

I am attending a work conference with one of my assistants I have. Yes, I hire assistants because mama ain’t got time for all this work.

And we have some friends coming into town and they’ll be staying with us for a few days! Can you even believe we have room now to host people? It’s a miracle!!

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7 Responses
  1. Jo Gudel

    Keep the updates coming. I really enjoy them. You are all an inspiration!
    Jo Gudel
    p.s. love your recipes!! Thank you.

  2. Courtney

    Love that Brooke has found her place with friends in the city. I am sure you were worried about her the most with the move, being the oldest. I can’t get over how big Eddie is getting and I also can’t believe that Blake still fits in the stroller!! Love Brooke’s hair. I have to start watching some YouTube videos on braids, love styles like that. Yay for being able to throw birthday parties and host friends. Did you ever find a couch that you and Gordon could agree on?

  3. Susan Crawford

    Love all the pics and that girls of yours has hair that never stops and looks gorgeous in the braid, I do braid my from time to time, but wish I had someone to do it for me. I love all your honesty , and adventures. So happy for you that you have a home now and you can host parties and guest. have a great week!

  4. Cathy Jeppsen

    I love reading about your life! I learned to braid on my own self from the Twist Me Pretty channel on YouTube. If you have time, you should check it out!

  5. Marilyn Brennan

    Love the pictures of the children and the stories behind them. I’m so happy to be related to them. Also, thank you for this great salad. Sometimes i make the same old ones and this looks like a fabulous waker-upper for me!!

  6. Lauren Secord

    I think you’re unbelievably incredible! I don’t know how you manage all that you do, and look so amazing doing so! I’m sure the “real” real life hits at some point, but you’re pretty friggin’ awesome. To be perfectly honest, I have no idea how I stumbled across your pages, on FB, Insta, whatev. But you’re such a damn inspiration, that I’m not hooked! I don’t even have kids and I live in a tiny town in Ontario, Canada. Love your recipes, love your vibe. You’re just good shit. A gal that can have a good chat over a glass or three of cheap wine, I bet! (Not right now of course, lol) I wish you the absolute best in your pregnancy, and the new addition to your already beauty of a fam jam! Love it all, Super Woman! Xo
    Another Lauren ❤️
